We will no longer be doing Mail Order
Hello Everyone,
2022 is here and I have to wonder what happened to 2020 and 2021!! I’m sure I’m not alone. These last couple of years have been hard on all of us.
The puppies are still wild and crazy but that’s how puppies are right?
Please note: this is our mail order list. If you visit the nursery you are welcome to shop all the various species of plants we have for sale.
All plants are flowering size and 1 or 2 heads.
Link to photographs: https://lithops.com/plants/lithops/
- Lithops aucampiae cv. Bella Kitty photo
Lithops aucampiae ‘Chocolate Puddles’Lithops aucampiae v. eunicea ‘Spider’s Edge’Lithops aucampiae ‘Firebrandt’- Lithops bromfieldii ex. GM
- Lithops gesinae v. annae
- Lithops julii v. brunnea
Lithops julii v. fulleri cv. Fullergreen- Lithops karasmontana v. aiaisensis
- Lithops karasmontana v. bella
- Lithops lesliei cv. Albinica
Lithops lesliei ‘Fred’s Redhead’Lithops lesliei ‘Jane’s Red Dog’- Lithops lesliei v. mariae
- Lithops lesliei v. minor
- Lithops lesliei v. venteri
- Lithops pseudotruncatella
- Lithops pseudotruncatella v. archerae
- Lithops pseudotruncatella v. dendritica
- Lithops pseudotruncatella [Mundtii]
- Lithops terricolor ‘Green’
- Pleiospilos nelii photo
- 25.00 USD
10.0025.0015.00- 6.00
- 6.00
- 6.00
7.50- 6.00
- 6.00
- 7.50
25.0025.00- 6.00
- 6.00
- 6.00
- 6.00
- 6.00
- 6.00
- 6.00
- 7.50
- 6.00
Lithops Clumps

Please note: we have numbered the clumps and likewise put the corresponding number for the number of heads and also the price.
Some computer screens may not have all the columns line up so please check to be sure you are seeing the correct number and price for the LIthops clump you want. Also note in the price column if the clump is sold or not.
Lithops bromfieldiiLithops bromfieldii- Lithops bromfieldii
Lithops bromfieldii- Lithops bromfieldii
Lithops bromfieldii v. mennelii soldLithops bromfieldii cv. sulphureasoldLithops fulvicepsLithops fulviceps cv. Aureasold- Lithops fulviceps cv. Aurea
- Lithops helmutii
- Lithops hookeri v. elephina
Lithops karasmontanaLithops karasmontana v. tischeriLithops karasmontana v. tischerisoldLithops leslieiLithops leslieisold- Lithops lesliei v. hornii
Lithops lesliei v. mariaeLithops naureeniaesold- Lithops naureeniae
Lithops naureeniaeLithops olivaceaLithops olivaceaLithops olivaceaLithops olivaceasold- Lithops olivacea [rosebrown form]
Lithops olivacea [rosebrown form]sold- Lithops salicola
Lithops salicola [maculate form]soldLithops salicola [maculate form]soldLithops schwantesii sold- Lithops schwantesii
- Lithops schwantesii
- Lithops schwantesii [grey form]
Lithops schwantesii v. kunjasensisLithops terricolorsold
- 4 heads
- 5
- 4
- 5
- 12
- 4
- 6
- 5
- 3
- 19
- 3
- 16
- 3
- 9
- 7
- 6
- 4
- 3
- 6
- 4
- 8
- 14
- 5
- 6
- 4
- 8
- 13
- 5
- 4
- 4
- 4
- 3
- 4
- 3
- 11
- 6
- 5
$15.00 USD25.00- 15.00
25.00- 60.00
15.0045.0025.0022.50- 142.50
- 12.50
- 80.00
12.5045.0035.0030.0015.00- 12.50
30.0015.00- 40.00
70.0025.0030.0015.0040.00- 65.00
25.00- 15.00
15.0015.0012.50- 15.00
- 12.50
- 55.00
Lithops seed
Regular text items are 4.50 USD for 50 seeds OR 3.00 USD for 1 capsule.
Bold text items are special seeds, which are 5.00 USD for 20 seeds.
Bold italicized text are rare seeds, and are 10.00 USD for 20 seeds
The L. aucampiae cv. Bella Kitty seeds are a premium at 10.00 USD for 10 seeds
- C. triebneri
- D. wilmotianus
- L. aucampiae
- L. aucampiae ‘Bella Kitty’
- L. aucampiae [Danielskuil]
- L. aucampiae ‘Firebrandt’
- L. aucampiae v. flumnalis
- L. aucampiae ‘Jackson’s Jade’
- L. aucampiae v. koelemanii
- L. aucampiae [Kuruman form]
L. aucampiae ‘Red Puddles’- L. aucampiae [Rudesheim] not ruby
- L. aucampiae ‘Storm’s Snowcap’
- L. bromfieldii
- L. bromfieldii (nice red markings)
- L. bromfieldii v. glaudinae
- L. bromfieldii v. insularis
- L. bromfieldii v. insularis ‘sulphurea’
- L. bromfieldii v. mennellii
- L. bromfieldii [Upington]
- L. coleorum
- L. comptonii
- L. dinteri
- L. dinteri XGM
- L. dinteri v. brevis
- L. dinteri ‘Dintergreen’
- L. dinteri v. frederici
- L. dinteri v. multipunctata
- L. divergens
- L. dorothae
- L. francisci
- L. fulviceps
- L. fulviceps ‘aurea’
- L. fulviceps v. lactinea
- L. fulviceps v. lydiae
- L. gesinae
- L. gesinae v. annae
- L. hallii
- L. hallii [Brown form]
- L. hallii v. ochracea
- L. hallii v. ochracea ‘Green Soapstone’
- L. hallii [salicola reticulata]
- L. helmutii
- L. herrei [transluscens]
- L. hookeri
- L. hookeri v. dabneri
- L. hookeri [Rooidam form]
- L. hookeri v. elephina
- L. hookeri v. lutea
- L. hookeri v. marginata
- L. hookeri v. marginata [Red form]
- L. hookeri v. marginata [Red-brown form]
- L. hookeri v. marginata “Cerise”
- L. hookeri v. subfenestrata
- L. hookeri v. suzannae
- L. hookeri [Vermiculate form]
- L. julii
- L. julii v. brunnea
- L. julii [chrysocephala]
- L. julii v. fulleri
- L. julii v. fulleri ‘Fullergreen’
- L. julii v. fulleri ‘Leeukop’
- L. julii v. fulleri rouxii
- L. julii ‘Hot Lips’
- L. julii [littlewoodii]
- L. karasmontana
- L. karasmontana v. aiaisensis
- L. karasmontana v. bella
- L. karasmontana v. eberlanzii
- L. karasmontana v. lateritia
- L. karasmontana v. lericheana
- L. karasmontana v. mickbergense
- L. karasmontana v. opalina
- L. karasmontana [Signalburg form]
- L. karasmontana v. summitatum
- L. karasmontana v. tischeri
- L. lesliei
- L. lesliei ‘Albinica’
- L. lesliei v. burchellii
- L. lesliei [Grey form]
- L. lesliei v. hornii
- L. lesliei [Kimberly form]
- L. lesliei [luteoviridis]
- L. lesliei v. mariae
- L. lesliei v. minor
- L. lesliei [Petersburg form]
- L. lesliei v. venteri
- L. lesliei v. venteri “Douglass”
- L. lesliei ‘Willowbank’
- L. marmorata
- L. marmorata v. elisae
- L. marmorata [framesii]
- L. marmorata [umdausensis]
- L. meyeri
- L. naureeniae
- L. olivaceae
- L. olivaceae [Rose-brown form]
- L. otzeniana
- L. pseudotruncatella v. archerae
- L. pseudotruncatella v. dendritica
- L. pseudotruncatella v. dendritica ‘Nachas’
- L. ruschiorum v. nellii
- L. salicola
- L. salicola [Maculate form]
- L. salicola ‘Malachite’
- L. schwantesii
- L. schwantesii v. gebseri
- L. schwantesii [Grey form]
- L. schwantesii v. guiliemi
- L. schwantesii “kuibisensis”
- L. schwantesii v. kunjasensis
- L. schwantesii v. marthae
- L. schwantesii v. urikosensis
- L. terricolor
- L. terricolor [localis]
- L. terricolor [peersii]
- L. vallis-mariae ‘Valley Girl’
- L. verruculosa
- L. verruculosa v. glabra
- L. villetii v. deboeri
- P. belusii
- P. nellii
- T. hilmarii
Lithops Collection
We offer 2 Lithops collections. Each collection contains 10 plants (I choose the plants) with different colored bodies and different markings. The collection is 10 plants for $50.00
Lithops Care
Lithops require a fast draining cactus mix. Our mix contains about 50% pumice.
Lithops in cultivation should be given a somewhat dry rest in winter when the new growth is drawing moisture from the old leaves.
At this time give very light watering, just enough to keep the root hairs alive (you want the water to go 1/4″ to 1/2″ into the soil).
As the old leaves dry up in the spring, water is given (root ball moist but not soaking wet) until the long, hot summer days bring the growing season to a
standstill. During this time only regular, light watering should be apllied (1/4″ to 1/2″ deep) to keep plants from shriveling and the soil from going bone dry. As
flower buds appear in late summer and fall, another watering period begins, tapering off in winter after flowering.
Those growing plants under lights will probably need to water some during the winter as plants show signs of shriveling.
Link to Conophytum pictures: https://lithops.com/plants/conophytum/
- Conophytum blandum
- Conophytum calitzdorpense
- Conophytum chauvinae
- Conophytum ectypum v. brownii
- Conophytum ficiforme ‘Worcester’
- Conophytum fraternum ‘Praecox’
- Conophytum gracilistylum
- Conophytum herreanthus
- Conophytum hians
- Conophytum marginatum
- Conophytum minutum
- Conophytum multiflorum
- Conophytum obcordellum ‘mundum’
- Conophytum ornatum
- Conophytum pagae
- Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum
- Conophytum quasitum
- Conophytum taylorianum v. ernianum
- Conophytum truncatum
- Conophytum uviforme
- Conophytum violaciflorum
- Conophytum wettsteinii v. ruschii
- Conophytum wittebergense
- 3-6, 7-10, 11+ heads
- </= 7, 10-16, 20+
- 3-6, 7-10, 11+
- 3-4
- 2-4, 5-7, 32
- 3-5, 6-10, 15+
- 8-10, 15+
- 1-2
- 4-6, 12-15
- 2-5, 6-10, 11-18
- 25-30
- 2-4, 5-7
- 15-20
- 2-3, 4-6
- 2-3
- 2
- 3-5, 6-10, 11+
- 2-4, 20+, 6″ clump
- 2-4, 5-7
- 4-6
- 3-5, 6-10, 16-25, 30+
- 1-2
- 2-4
- SM 7.50, MED 15.00, LG 35.00
- SM 10.00,
MED 17.50,LG 50.00 - SM 7.50, MED 15.00, LG 35.00
SM 15.00- SM 7.50, MED 15.00, LG 50.00
SM 12.50, MED 17.50,LG 50.00- MED 15.00, LG 35.00
SM 7.50- SM 7.50, MED 15.00
- SM 7.50, MED 15.00, LG 35.00
- LG 35.00
- SM 12.50,
MED 25.00,LG 75.00 LG 35.00SM 7.50,MED 15.00SM 15.00SM 15.00- SM 7.50, MED 15.00, LG 35.00
- SM 7.50, LG 50.00, XL 150.00
- SM 7.50,
MED 15.00 - SM 7.50
- SM 7.50, MED 15.00, LG 35.00, XL 60.00,
XXL 125.00 SM 12.50SM 17.50
Link to pictures: https://lithops.com/plants/euphorbia/
- Euphorbia cryptospinosa
- Euphorbia gorgonis
- Euphorbia obesa
- Euphorbia squarrosa
Euphorbia vigueri v. caperoniana
- 2″ pot 12.50 USD
- 3″ 35.00
- 2″ 10.00
- 2″ 12.50
2″ 15.00
Link to pictures: https://lithops.com/plants/haworthia/
- Haworthia angustifolia v. denticulifera photos
- Haworthia arachnoidea
- Haworthia attenuata
- Haworthia attenuata v. clariperla
- Haworthia attenuata f. variegata
- Haworthia attenuata ‘Wet Paint’
- Haworthia ‘chocolate’
- Haworthia coarctata ssp. coarctata v. coarctata
- Haworthia coarctata v. tenuis
- Haworthia comptoniana
- Haworthia koelemaniorum
- Haworthia magnifica v. astrofusca
- Haworthia margaretifera
- Haworthia mirabilis v. maraisii
- Haworthia parksiana
- Haworthia reinwardii v. kaffirdriftensis
- Haworthia resendeana
- Haworthia reticulata v. hurlingii
- Haworthia venosa spp. tessellata ‘Neat’
- Haworthia truncata ‘Lime Green’
- Astroloba aspera
- 2″ pot, $6.00 USD
- 2″ 6.00
- 2″ 6.00
- 2″ 6.00
- 2″ 6.00
- 2″ 6.00
- 2″ 7.50
- 2″ 6.00
- 2″ 6.00
- 3″ 7.50
- 3″ 12.50
- 2″ 12.50
- 2″ 10.00
- 2″ 12.50
- 2″ 15.00
- 2″ 6.00
- 2″ 6.00
- 2″ 6.00
- 2″ 10.00
- 2″ 10.00
- 2″ 15.00
Assorted succulents

- Aloe dichotoma photo
- Beaucarnea recurvata photo
- Bursera fagaroides photo
- Bursera odorata photo
- Bursera silviae photo
- Calibanus hookeri photo
- Cephalopentandra eccirhosa photo
- Corallocarpus bainsii photo
- Cyrtocarpa edulis photo
Dorstenia foetida ‘Superclone’photo- Dorstenia foetida x crispa photo
- Fouquieria columnaris photo
- Fouquieria diguetii photo
- Gonolobus cyclophylla photo
- Pachycormus discolor photo
- Peniocereus marianus photo
- Petopentia natalensis photo
- Sempervivum arachnoideum photo
Welwitschia mirabilisphoto- Yucca endlicheana photo
- 2″ pot, $10.00 USD
- 2″ 7.50
- 2″ 12.50
- 2″ 12.50
- 2″ 12.50
- 2″ 7.50
- 2″ 12.50
- 2″ 10.00
- 2″ 15.00
2″ 12.50- 2″ 10.00
- 3″ 15.00
- 2″ 12.50
- 2″ 12.50
- 2″ 12.50
- 2″ 12.50
- 2″ 12.50
- 2″ 6.00
45.00sold out- 3″ 15.00
Adenium: Sculptural Elegance, Floral Extravagance
by Dimmitt, Joseph and Palzkill $38 includes s&h
New Growing the Mesembs
by Ed Storms $9.00 includes s&h